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  • organization man


  • There ' s a team from the hospital effecting the transfer immediately ,
  • She was rushed offstage while the organizer of a post - pageant news conference called for aid
  • 1722 samuel adams , american statesman organizer of the boston tea party , was born at boston in massachusetts
  • He ordered to design a ship , prior to the installation of the keel , he went to a shipping company trying to convince that company to make reservation for chartering that ship that ' s still on the drawing board
  • Later on , ludwig carried his business to a new stage of development : he got another tanker designed , before the keel was even laid , a common carrier was persuaded to charter it after its completion
  • They studied the matter frco various ang1es such as organization ' s cultural character , the inf1uence of the cultura1 factor on organizational behavior and on psychology and thinking custom
  • On the other hand , power - centralized management system facilitates the administration and harmonization on one hand but frustrate instructors " enthusiasm in school curriculum management and development on the other hand . secondly , based upon the analyses of three hypothesis of school organization : the hypothesis of the humanity organization , the hypothesis of the inter - personal relationship and the hypothesis of the nature of education , the dissertation deals with the affect of school organization culture on the management
  • From the view of economics , the establishing process of joint - stock company is the process which sponsors organize people , capital and resources to make up an entity with the ability of production and management . from the view of law , it is the process which the sponsors construct legal entity with independent personality according to legal provisions
    股份有限公司(以下简称“股份公司” )的设立,从经济的角度观察是发起人组织人、财、物形成一个具有一定生产经营能力的实体的过程;从法律的角度观察则是发起人依照法律的规定,组建一个具有独立人格的法律主体的过程。
  • Affiliated facilitators practice in diverse roles which include managers , project leaders , instructors , mediators , attorneys , professors , care providers , therapists , community organizers , directors , executives , human resource professionals , independent consultants , peace workers , psychologists , process engineers and many other roles that require human development and group decision making


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