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  • linear approximation
  • linear proximity


  • Applications of the linear approximation
  • The objective function of the qp problem is a quadratic function which is an approximation of the lagrangian function of the constrained problem and the constraints of the qp problem are linear approximation of the constraints of the constrained problem
  • 2 . nonlinear local project noise reduction is studied on the basis of principal components analysis ( pca ) , the principle of this noise reduction is to approximate piecewise and linearly the dynamics and to process local principal components analysis
    在主元分析( principalcomponentsanalysis , pca )的基础上,研究了非线性局部投影滤波方法,该方法的原理是在相空间分段线性逼近动力系统并进行局部主元分析。
  • Aes - ccm mode use counter mode application simple , systematic expense little , may raise the efficiency of encryption . aes algorithm is presented in allusion to differential cryptanalysis and linear analysis . therefore , the security of aes algorithm in current stage have enough guarantee
  • This paper is devoted to nonlinear approximation , namely , m - term approximtion of anisotropic smooth periodic functions . nonlinear approximation is the important part of approximation the - ory . it means that the approximants do not come from linear spaces but rather from nonlinear manifolds . the advantages of nonlinear approximation show that one can achieve a given accuracy of approximation while assuming less smoothness on the function in the nonlinear case than is necessary in the corresponding linear approximation . nonlinear approximation is used significantly in many applications , such as image processing , noise removal and the solution of operation equations and so on
    非线性逼近与线性逼近最大的区别在于所用的逼近子空间不是固定的,而是依赖于被逼近的函数其主要优点是对光滑度较低的函数仍可以得到较高的估计阶。随着小波和样条的广泛使用非线性( m项)逼近成为较热门的话题,它在图象处理,声的传播,算子方程的求解等方面都有很多应用。
  • In this article , we will discuss the ways of how to get their stable numerical solutions , in which the continous and discrete regularization method , with and without knowing the error level 6 of input data , are presented and a regularization strategy based on linear approximation for identifying the nonlinear source term is also given
线性逼近的英文翻译,线性逼近英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译线性逼近,线性逼近的英文意思,線性逼近的英文线性逼近 meaning in English線性逼近的英文线性逼近怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。