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  • The nobel prize in physiology or medicine 1980 : baruj benacerraf
  • " the palestinian security systems have no superiority , in terms of armament over hamas , " said mr . nasser
    纳塞尔说: “巴勒斯坦安全系统在武器装备上并不比哈马斯优越。 ”
  • “ in an hour like this , when the mind has a passive sensibility , but no active strength ” ( nathaniel hawthorne )
    “在这样一个小时内,内心虽被触动,却没有产生积极的力量” (纳塞内尔?霍桑) 。
  • One morning nasreddin left his house with six donkeys to go to the market . after a time , he got tired and rode on one of them
  • Although the temples have fallen , the rocky crags of parnassus still tower over delphi , and cascading waters still rush to the sea
  • On january 28 , not even a full month into his new job , nasser announced that ford was paying $ 6 . 45 billion for volvo ' s car business
    1月28日,在任职还不到一个月的时候,雅克o纳塞尔宣布福特公司正在支付沃尔沃汽车生意中欠下的64 . 5亿美元。
  • Management style : every friday afternoon , nasser e - mails about 100 , 000 ford employees worldwide , reporting on the highlights and lowlights of his week
  • How he got the job : nasser ' s success as head of ford ' s auto operations made him a clear choice when former ceo trotman decided to step down at the end of last year
  • As head of ford ' s automotive operations , he startled detroit with his willingness to kill off unprofitable models and bring in talented executives from outside the company
  • Headaches : europe and brazil . nasser hopes the new focus subcompact will jump - start lethargic sales in europe , but in brazil he ' ll be happy just to limit his losses
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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