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  • repay the country with supreme loyalty -- patriotism


  • Before yue fei left for the army , his mother engraved upon his back the words , “ loyalty to your country , ” words that would dictate the action of yue fei for the rest of his life
  • Living in china is no longer with a life ; existence gives way to nothingness ; passing time and prolong physical existence supersedes the distinct human yearning for meaning and spiritual fulfillment ; functions of body cavities replaces function of human brains and souls ; education becomes a method to create more and more state serving slaves with no originality and creativity ; face , border , money and power defines the word chinese
  • The park commemorates man tin cheung , a famous general of the southern sung dynasty . the six - feet tall statue of man tin cheung , together with the stele carving the important events in the life of the general , has become the landmark in the vicinity . the famous poetry " zhengqige " written by man tin cheung during his imprisonment is also inscribed on the stele for the reading of visitors
    文天祥公园是纪念精忠报国的文天祥,其六米高的铜像屹立于公园的最高处,令人肃然起敬,铜像后有一幅雕工极之精美的大石碑,栩栩如生地把文天祥的一生纪录下来,石碑尽头还刻上文天祥被关在蒙古监牢其间所写的《正气歌》 ,其英勇、气节和爱国精神更震撼每一位游人的心灵。


  • 精忠报国什么意思:jīng zhōng bào guó 【解释】精心忠诚,报效祖国 【出处】《北史·颜之仪传》:“公等备受朝恩,当尽忠报国,奈何一旦欲以神器假人!” 【示例】明·冯梦龙《古今小说》:“岳飞~,父子就戮。” 【拼音码】jzbg 【灯谜面】岳飞背上刻金字 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语;形容非常爱国 【故事】北宋末年,女真族建立大金国,直接威胁北宋的生存。岳飞的母亲在岳飞的背上刻下“精忠报国”四...
精忠报国的英文翻译,精忠报国英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译精忠报国,精忠报国的英文意思,精忠報國的英文精忠报国 meaning in English精忠報國的英文精忠报国怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。