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  • michaud
  • michaut
  • micheau
  • michot
  • misau
  • misho
  • miso


  • The tsar looked down , and for some time he was silent
    “ ehbien , retournezlarme ”他伸直整个身子,打着温和而尊严的手势对米绍说。
  • The tsar listened without a word , not looking at michaud . has the enemy entered the city ? he asked
  • Ah ! said the tsar , reassured , slapping michaud on the shoulder , with a friendly light in his eyes
  • The tsar suddenly frowned , as though vexed with himself for his own weakness ; and raising his head , he addressed michaud in a firm voice
  • This courier was a frenchman , michaud , who did not know russian , yet was , though a foreigner , russian in heart and soul , as he used to say of himself
    信使是法国人米绍,不懂俄语,但他quoiquetranger , russedecoeuretdame虽是外国人,心灵深处却是俄国人,他是这样评说自己的。
  • Once seven swabians were together . the first was herr schulz , the second jackli , the third marli , the fourth jergli , the fifth michal , the sixth hans , and the seventh veitli
  • Yes , sire , and by now the city is in ashes . i left it all in flames , said michaud resolutely ; but glancing at the tsar , michaud was horrified at what he had done
    “ oui , sire , etelleestencendreslheurequilestjelailaissetoutenflammes ”米绍果断地说但他朝皇上看了一眼之后,为他自己的举措吓坏了。
  • Seeing that his most gracious sovereign had regained his composure , michaud too regained his ; but to the tsars direct question of a matter of fact which called for a direct answer , he had not yet an answer ready
  • Though the source of m . michauds sorrow must indeed have been different from that to which the grief of russian people was due , michaud had such a melancholy face when he was shown into the tsars study that the tsar asked him at once
  • Hide nothing from me ; i want to know absolutely how it is . sire ! said michaud , with a delicate , scarcely perceptible smile on his lips , as he had now had time to prepare his answer in the form of a light and respectful play of words
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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