珠泪簌簌 big tears trickled [ran] down from one's eyes.; tears trickled down one's cheeks.; the tears ran down one's face like water dropping [trickling] through a sieve.; one's tears fell like pearls
风吹树叶簌簌响 the leaves are rustling in the wind. streaming down
He was silent for a long time and fumbled at her hand . 他沉默了好半天,才抖簌簌地摸着她的手。
When these breezes reached the platform the palm-fronds would whisper . 微风吹到平台时,棕榈叶片发出簌簌的低吟。
She burst into tears and, clinging to him sobbed in love and anguish . 她挨紧他坐着,眼泪不断地簌簌下落,因爱和极度痛苦而抽泣着。
Val saw his uncle lift his eyes to the witnessbox, without moving his face: heard a shuffle of papers behind him . 法尔看见自己舅舅抬起眼睛瞧一下证人箱,脸上神色不动;又听见身后一阵捣文件的簌簌声。
His thoughts were brusquely interrupted; looking in ferrand's face, he saw to his dismay tears rolling down his cheeks . 他的思潮被突然阻断了;朝费朗德的脸庞一看,他看见眼泪从他腮帮子上簌簌地滚下来,不由得很惊惶。
As his voice rose the tears began to roll down her cheeks 随着他的嗓音提高,她的眼泪开始簌簌地直往下流。
A furious blast roared through the trees , making everything sing as it went 一阵狂风呼啸而过,所到之处,簌簌作响。
That was autumn , some yellow leaves dropped like the pretty butterflies 正逢秋天,黄叶簌簌落下,像一只只漂亮的蝴蝶。
Her breathing was light and shallow , a little pulse throbbed in her neck 她的呼吸又轻又浅,脉搏在脖子里微微地簌簌跳动。