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  • "简单"英文翻译    simple; uncomplicated; plain ...
  • "做"英文翻译    make; manufacture; produce
  • "简单" 英文翻译 :    1.(不复杂) simple; uncomplicated; plain; simplicity 构造简单 simple in structure; 头脑简单 simple-minded; seeing things too simply; 学习简单明了地讲话 learn to speak plain; 一项简单的工作 a straightforward job; 事情没那么简单。 there is more to it.2.(平凡, 多用否定式) commonplace; ordinary 不简单 not simple; fairly complicated; remarkable; 她的枪法那么好, 真不简单。 she's marvel to be able to shoot with such accuracy.3.(草率; 不细致) oversimplified; casual 简单从事 do things in a casual [perfunctory] way; 简单地看问题 take a naive view; oversimplify a problem; 不能用简单的方法去解决这个问题。 this matter cannot be settled in a summary fashion. 这篇文章我只是简单地看了看。 i only skimmed through this article.; 简单多数 simple majority; 简单方法 straightforward procedure; 简单结构 simple structure; 简单商品经济 simple commodity economy; 简单事件 simple event; 简单条件 simple condition; 简单条件表达式 simple conditional expression; 简单协作 simple coordination; 简单语句 simple statement; 简单运动 simple motion; 简单再生产 simple reproduction; steady reproduction
  • "不简单" 英文翻译 :    1.(复杂) not simple; fairly complicated 这台钟的机件结构很不简单。 the mechanism of the clock is very complicated. 这事不简单, 需要进一步调查。 the matter is not so simple; it requires further investigation.2.(不平凡) unusual; remarkable 他进步如此大真不简单。 it's remarkable he's made such good progress
  • "更简单" 英文翻译 :    dejavu
  • "很简单" 英文翻译 :    i love you; it’s fairly simple; love is simple; magic romance
  • "极简单" 英文翻译 :    open and shut
  • "简单pal" 英文翻译 :    simple pal
  • "简单pld" 英文翻译 :    spld
  • "简单,朴素" 英文翻译 :    simplicity
  • "简单爱" 英文翻译 :    flash; lovehhy; pure love; simple love; simply love
  • "简单板" 英文翻译 :    simple plales
  • "简单棒" 英文翻译 :    simple bar
  • "简单暴" 英文翻译 :    simple burst
  • "简单表" 英文翻译 :    simple table
  • "简单波" 英文翻译 :    simple wave
  • "简单齿" 英文翻译 :    simple teeth; simplex teeth
  • "简单丛" 英文翻译 :    simple bundle
  • "简单袋" 英文翻译 :    simple pocket
  • "简单的" 英文翻译 :    common; compact; easy; einfach simple; life is simple; plain; rudimentary; simpler; simplex; single; straightforward; unsophisticated
  • "简单地" 英文翻译 :    briefly; easily; in a few words; in a nutshell; primitively; shortly; simply
  • "简单弧" 英文翻译 :    jordanbogen simple arc; simple arc
  • "简单画" 英文翻译 :    simple graph
  • "简单化" 英文翻译 :    oversimplify; over-simplication; simplify matters
  • "简单积" 英文翻译 :    simple product


  • The application of new scientific discoveries to industrial processes usually makes jobs easier to do
  • Under item six is the 1996 retreat . could you please explain this retreat and give us a brief introduction
  • Do the complicated tasks in an easier way , do the easy tasks seriously , do serious tasks repeatedly , and do the repeatitive tasks creatively
  • Out of complication comes simplicity ; out of simplicity comes diligence ; out of diligence comes repetition and out of repetition comes creativity
  • Introduce fundamental questions such as the concept of both the management culture and the culture management of library respectively , and explain the relation between them through analysis
  • Many people don t like computers but they have to do it , because maybe that s the most available job at the moment , high paying and easy . then once they have trained in that direction , it s difficult for them to train in another direction . they keep you eight , ten hours every day already ; and once you go home , you re exhausted
简单做的英文翻译,简单做英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译简单做,简单做的英文意思,簡單做的英文简单做 meaning in English簡單做的英文简单做怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。