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  • sign mould
  • symbolic models


  • At present , the main methods for solving this kind of problems are as follows : ( a ) mathematical optimization model and solving it by computer algorithms + symbolic model and solving it by artificial intelligence
    目前解决这个问题主要有两条途径: a数学优化模型及其算法求解+符号模型及其人工智能求解; b数学优化模型及其算法求解+人机交互或人机结合。
  • Based on the criterion of svg ( scalable vector graphics ) , which is established by w3c ( world wide web consortium ) , this paper describes the symbol of chart object using the technology of svg , it makes the symbol of chart object have the high ability of expanding
    本文还根据由w3c ( wordwidewebconsortium )制定的svg ( scalablevectorgraphics ,可升级矢量图形)规范,运用svg技术对海图符号进行描述,使得该海图符号模型面向网络并具有良好的扩展性。
  • In designing clocks and watches , traditional cad technologies and expert systems are needed to solve numerical and geometrical models and symbol models respectively . besides , packing theories are needed to guide solving the optimization model while designing the overall layouts of the movements . therefore , only by using the ie technologies can we integrate the complicated multiple knowledge models


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