空中 in the sky; in the air; aerial; overhead; midair 在空中翻筋斗 make a somersault in midair; 在大战期间伦敦受到来自空中的袭击。 during the great war london was attacked from the air. 首次在空中航行的飞行器是气球。 the first vehicles to navigate the air were balloons.; 空中堡垒 sky fortress; stratofortree (美国一种轰炸机); 空中爆破 air-shooting; 空中爆炸 air burst; aerial explosion; 空中补给 air-resupply; 空中布雷 aerial mine-laying; 空中测量 aerial survey; 空中待机 airborne alert; 空中待战 airborne alert; 空中点火 in-flight ignition; 空中调查 aerial survey; 空中发射 air-launch; 空中发射试验 air launching test; 空中飞人 [杂技] flying trapeze; 空中封锁 air blockade; air interdiction; 空中格斗机 air combat fighter; 空中攻击 [军事] air strike; 空中公共汽车 [航空] airbus; 空中观察 air observation; 空中管制中心 [讯] air-control centre; 空中核爆炸 [军事] atomic airburst; air nuclear explosion; 空中核力量 air atomic power; 空中护航 air convoy; 空中货运 airfreight; 空中接球射门 mid-air catch and shot; 空中交叉 overhead crossing; 空中禁区 [航空] airspace reservation; 空中警报及控制系统 airborne warning and control system (awacs); 空中救护 air rescue; 空中力量 air power; 空中列车 aerial train; 空中领航 avigation; 空中目标 aerial target; 空中鸟瞰图 airscape; 空中女服务员 air hostess; 空中碰撞 midair collision; 空中骑兵 air cavalry; air cav; 空中骑手 sky-rider; 空中起动 [航空] airstart; 空中扫射 [军事] strafe; 空中摄影 aerial photography; 空中摄影测量 [工业] aerial photogrammetry; 空中摄影测量飞机 photographic survey aircraft; 空中摄影站 [测量学] air station; camera station; 空中实验室 skylab; sky laboratory; 空中探测 [工业] aerial reconnaissance; 空中停车 flame-out in flight; 空中无线电领航学 radio aeronavigation; 空中陷阱 airhole; 空中小姐 airline hostess; airplane stewardess; air hostess; 空中巡逻 air patrol; screen; 空中掩护 [军事] air cover; 空中勇士 [航空] skywarrior; 空中优势 air superiority; predominance of the air force; 空中预警和控制 [军事] airborne early warning and control; 空中运行调度 air traffic control; 空中侦察 aerial reconnaissance; 空中支援 air support; 空中指挥机 command aircraft; 空中制导 aerial guidance; “空中走廊” “air corridor”; 空中作战 air fighting
The establishment of yun hsien holiday resort and cable cars 空中缆车暨云仙乐园之筹建
In october of same year , wulai cable car co . , ltd . was established 同年10月成立乌来空中缆车股份有限公司。
Approved to further expand cable car to capacity of 91 seats also enlarge the scale of yun hsien hotel 奉准扩建空中缆车为91人座之大型空中缆车及扩建云仙大饭店。
Entrance tickets pays for cleaning and maintenance also cable car . fees for using recreational facilities are not included 门票含清洁维护费及空中缆车票,不含各项游乐设施费用。
Approved to expand yun hsien holiday resort adding more recreational facilities and remodel the cable car to carry 36 seats 奉准扩建云仙乐园增设游乐设备及改建空中缆车为36人座。
On the way down , only three other teachers and i descended on foot , and the others all came down in cable cars 下山的时候,只有我和另外三位老师由山顶一路走下来,其馀的人都是坐空中缆车下来的。
From japan to inspect the top of wulai waterfall as to guarantee the safety of cable car and recreational area currently under construction 9月聘请日本索道专家近藤勇先生前来乌来瀑布顶端勘查,保证适于架设空中缆车及辟建乐园。
There are more than 30 sceneries , like double - pit apricot , palace , attic , temple cable car in the sky , stainless steel ski - road and hundreds of birds park . . it is a good place for you to travel and spend holidays 区内有龙凤胎双核银杏树、殿、台、阁、坛、伟德将军碑廊、空中缆车、不锈钢滑道、百鸟园等30多处自然与人文景观,是旅游避暑的好去处。
To get there , take the mtr to tung chung station , then follow signs to nearby skyrail terminal and take the cable car to ngong ping . the skyrail trip takes 20 - 25 minutes . or , take bus 23 from the tung chung bus terminus to ngong ping 前往昂坪市集,先搭乘地铁至东涌站,循路牌指示往邻近的缆车总站,再乘空中缆车往昂坪,全程20至25分钟或于东涌巴士总站搭乘23线巴士往昂坪。
Approved to start construction in september . initiating drilling of foundation for cable car rock way towards yun hsien holiday resort , land and water preservation , yun hsien hotel , yun hsien lake , skating ground , archery ground , swimming pool , golf practice center and other constructions 9月奉准予施工,空中缆车基础地基钻探,岩壁开辟通往云仙乐园岩道水土保持云仙饭店云仙湖溜冰场射箭场游泳池高尔夫练习场等工程于是展开。