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音标:[ chēngshuō ]  发音:  


  • name sth. when speaking


  • A newspaper article alleged that the cabinet was going to resign
  • She was late for the meeting and alleged that her watch was wrong
  • He alleged that he did not take it
  • The voice of the lord twists the oaks and strips the forests bare . and in his temple all cry , " glory !
  • At the voice of the lord the roes give birth , the leaves are taken from the trees : in his temple everything says , glory
  • The voice of the lord makes the deer to calve and strips the forests bare ; and in his temple everything says , " glory !
    诗29 : 9耶和华的声音惊动母鹿落胎、树木也脱落净光。凡在他殿中的、都称说他的荣耀。
  • The voice of the lord maketh the hinds to calve , and discovereth the forests : and in his temple doth every one speak of his glory
  • With a strong , rich tone and a notably wide range , it is widely used in accompaniment as well as orchestral and solo performances
  • Japanese media had said last week that kiko , 39 , was likely to give birth in a caesarean operation around sept . 6 , ahead of her late september due date
    日本传媒上周早已经指称说, 39岁的纪子,实在很可能会在9月6日前后以剖腹生产手术来分娩,她的9月底预产期前面。
  • However , recently , the expression " the year plus decade " is suggested , holding it inconvenient to name the nrst two decades of a century when using the expression " the century plusdecade "
    近年来有人建议改用“年份年代” (比如“ 1990年代” )的形式表示,其主要理由是, “世纪十年代”表述法不便于称说每世纪的前两个年代。
  • 更多例句:  1  2


  • 称说的泰文
  • 称说的日语:(事物の名を)呼ぶ. 为了便于称说,每个选手都给起了个外号/呼びやすくするために,選手にそれぞれあだ名をつける.
  • 称说的韩语:[동사] (말을 할 때 사물의 이름을) 일컫다[부르다].
  • 称说的俄语:pinyin:chēngshuō излагать, объяснять; называть, обозначать
  • 称说什么意思:chēngshuō 说话的时候叫出事物的名字:他~着这些产品,如数家珍。
称说的英文翻译,称说英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译称说,称说的英文意思,稱說的英文称说 meaning in English稱說的英文称说怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。