研究与开发(应用型科研) r & d research and development; r & d; research and development
科研 scientific research 进行血液病的科研工作 make scientific researches on diseases of the blood; 他从事科研工作。 he is engaged in scientific research.; 科研产出 output of scientific research; 科研成果 achievements in scientific research; result of scientific research; 科研成果商品化 commercialize r&d achievements; 科研单位 r&d institution; 科研工作 scientific research; 科研管理 research and development management; 科研合同制 contract system of scientific research; 科研机构 scientific research institution; 科研经费 cost of scientific research; 科研区 district of scientific research; 科研人员 scientific research personnel; 科研体制改革 reform of scientific research system; 科研投入 input for scientific research; 科研项目 scientific research item;科研向生产转移 transfer r&d achievements to production; 科研协作委员会 coordinating research council; 科研与生产紧密联合 close integration of scientific research with production; 科研责任制 responsibility system of scientific research; 科研中心 research establishment; scientific research centre
In a few years the corporation has gain great achievements through ceaseless innovation 雄厚的科研开发能力,产品不断创新。
Our factory has domestic the professional senior engineer , with a strong ability of research development 本厂有国内专业的高级工程师,具有很强的科研开发能力。
Jinke boasts over 20 senior talents with its management composed of people with at least regular university education , and is known for its strong r & d strength and advanced management concepts 现拥有高级人才20多人,管理人员全部为本科以上学历。科研开发能力雄厚,管理理念先进,与国际接轨。
Because of the unordered competition of market for many years and local protectionism , there are serious problems for most pharmacy trade , such as small scales of enterprises , weak capacity for research and developing and taking model production mainly 由于多年来的市场无序竞争和地方保护主义,制药行业普遍存在规模小、科研开发能力弱、主要以仿制生产为主的严重问题。
" getting red and low to expand micro glass plate " that company research and develop by oneself obtain national key new title of product 2002 , enterprises were chosen as the honorary title of " scientific and technological small and medium - sized enterprises in the province " in 2003 , established zhejiang university & kang er micro glass research and develop the pilot scale base with zhejiang university formally in july of 04 , have strengthened the capacity for conducting research and science and technology of enterprises further 2002年公司自行研究开发的“红色低膨胀微晶玻璃板”获得了国家重点新产品的称号, 2003年企业被评为“省科技型中小企业”荣誉称号, 04年7月与浙江大学正式成立浙大?康尔微晶玻璃研发中试基地,进一步增强了企业的科研开发能力。
Since reforming and opening , the chinese enterprise groups have developed rapidly , but there are some problems , such as imperfect systems , unreasonable organization structures , over - intervening government , low - level management , low - ability to research and develop as well as short competition of products . it is still ( lie primary stage for the enterprise groups to develop 改革开放以来,我国企业集团取得了较快发展,但仍存在较多问题,如体制不健全、集团组织结构不合理、政府过度干预、管理水平低、科研开发能力差、产品竞争力差等。
And then , the key fundamental internal factors to the determination of clfg ' s performance are picked up from all basic factors affecting operation efficiency with ism quantitative approach . based on the results of the internal and external analysis , problems like advantages and disadvantages , opportunities and challenge , and key points of clfg to be solved quickly are made clear and definite . on the basis of the above is formulated the overall strategy like operation thoughts , goal , development strategy , diverse strategy and internationalization strategy , etc . meanwhile , the function - layer strategy such as marketing strategy , r & d strategy and human resource development strategy , etc . , are also worked out 在对企业的外部环境进行分析之后,本文又从企业的科研开发能力、市场营销能力、组织管理能力、财务能力等四个方面对企业内部条件进行了深入分析,评估了企业自身所拥有的资源和条件现状,并分析了企业资源和条件变化的趋势,确定了企业的优势和劣势,同时运用ism分析法建立了解释结构模型,定量分析了企业内部经营管理的各种基本因素,找到了影响企业经营效益的关键因素,为制定企业的总战略和职能层战略提供了客观依据。
Guangdong academy of agricu1tural sciences ( gaas ) was established in january 1950 . it is the research center of agricultural sciences in guangdong province and directly led by the guangdong province people s government . the gaas has 13 research institutes , 5 economic entitles 4 germplasm resource nurseries , 1 key lab of health food jointly managed by moa and guangdong province , 6 provincial key labs , and 4 province engineering r & d centers 广东省农业科学院于1950年创建,是广东省政府直属科研机构和全省农业科研中心,院下设13个研究所和5个科技开发经济实体,我院设有重点实验室6个,广东省工程技术研究开发中心4个,在农业部“八五”全国地级市以上农业科研机构科研开发能力综合评估中,我院有7个研究所进入全国“百强” ,畜牧研究所列入全国农业技术开发“十强”之一,全院科技开发实力居全国省级农科院前列。