In the last three chapters , he takes off his gloves and gives the creationists a good beating 在书的最后三章,他毫不客气地给予神造论者猛烈痛击。
In the last three chapters , he takes off his gloves and gives the creationists a good beating 在最后三章中,他脱下手套,将神造论者好好地揍了一顿。
In the last three chapters , he takes off his gloves and gives the creationists a good beating 在最后三章中,他脱下手套连连看游戏将神造论者好好地揍了一顿。
In the last three chapters , he takes off his gloves and gives the creationists a good beating 信息参考译文,在最后剩余仅有的3章中,他脱下手套,将神造论者好好地揍了一顿。
And so it does - and all wound be well were reason the only judge in the creationism / evolution debate 而它确实是这样的- -而且如果理性成为神造论地化论之间的辩论中的惟一评判标准的话,一切就都好办了。
A court ban on teaching creationism in public schools , however , means pupils can only be taught evolution , which angers fundamentalists , and triggers local battles over evolution 对教的神造论的一个法院禁令在公立学校,然而,手段学生可能只被教演变,激怒原教旨主义者,并且关于演变的触发器地方争斗。
He describes their programs and tactics , and , for those unfamiliar with the ways of creationists , the extent of their deception and distortion may come as an unpleasant surprise 他描述了神造论者的纲要和伎俩,对于那些不了解神造论者的手法的人来说,神造论者的欺骗手法和歪曲事实的程度可能会让他们感到惊愕。
He describes their programs and , tactics , and , for those unfamiliar with the ways of creationists , the extent of their deception and distortion may come as an u leasant surprise 他描述了他们的活动和战术,而且,对于那些对神造论者的做事方式刁;熟悉的人来说,神造论者的欺骗和扭曲事实的程度可能会令这些人有一种不快的诧异。
He describes their programs and , tactics , and , for those unfamiliar with the ways of creationists , the extent of their deception and distortion may come as an unpleasant surprise 他描述了他们的活动和战术,而且,对于那些对神造论者的做事方式刁;了解的人来说,神造论者的哄骗和扭曲事实情况的程度怀疑也许能够会令这些人有一种什么样的不快的诧异。