神 god; deity; divinity机 machine; engine雷鸟神机队 thunderbirds神机暗算 persons unknown神机军师 zhu wu神机妙算 one's methods are more than human.; a divine plan; ability to divine the unknown; clever strategy and shrewd tactics; crafty planning; divine strategy and shrewd calculation; miracle of foresight; remarkable prediction of things to come; superb strategy; wonderful foresight (in military operations, etc.); wonderful stratagems as if conceived by divine beings 他敬佩老者的神机妙算。 he admired the old man for his crafty plan超神机兽 断空我 dankouga精神机能迟纯 bradyphrenia神机世界2 遥远的约定 evolucion2他敬佩老者的神机妙算 he admired the old man for his crafty plan既往与目前精神机能障碍量表 current and past psychopathology scales英国精神机能低下研究学会 british society for the study of mental subnormality神或动物 anthropopathy神火潭山区 lavastorm mountains神火磐龙主板 i865peal atx神火磐龙 link king神迹 miracle; mysterious manifestation; nothing sacred神火箭 ares (rocket)
The thunderbirds appear to be in a spot of trouble 雷鸟神机 队似乎中了一个圈套 The thunderbirds haven ' t responded ? - no , milady 雷鸟神机 队没有反应? -没有,夫人 The thunderbirds rescued over 500 mine workers , 雷鸟神机 队救出了五百多名矿工 - the thunderbirds haven ' t responded ? - no , milady -雷鸟神机 队没有反应? -没有,夫人 It ' s the thunderbirds . they ' re gonna be on tv . let ' s go 雷鸟神机 队在电视上,快去看 ' only the thunderbirds have the machines . . . ' 只有雷鸟神机 队的飞船才能. . ' amazing ! the thunderbirds have done it again , chuck ! ' 棒极了!雷鸟神机 队再次救人于水火 - me ? fly alone ? - the thunderbirds need you right now -我一个人开? -雷鸟神机 队现在需要你 Me ? fly alone ? - the thunderbirds need you right now 我一个人开? -雷鸟神机 队现在需要你 ' only the thunderbirds have the machines . ' 只有雷鸟神机 队的飞船才能
神机的韩语 :[명사]【문어】 (1)절호의 기회. (2)신묘한 기략(機略). (3)〈방직〉 【문어】 직기. (4)〈중국의학〉 생명 활동의 주재(主宰).神机的俄语 :pinyin:shénjī 1) чудесная мысль, гениальный план, гениальная стратегия; чудесный, волшебный 2) чудесный механизм (также обр. в знач.: огнестрельное оружие)神机什么意思 : 1. 指可以启闭开合的灵巧器械。 ▶ 《淮南子‧齐俗训》: “神机阴闭, 剞劂无迹, 人巧之妙也。” 2. 指织布机。 ▶ 汉 王逸 《机妇赋》: “解鸣佩, 释罗衣, 披华幕, 登神机, 乘轻杼, 揽床帷, 动摇多容, 俯仰生姿。”  ...