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  • " people never bother to attack bad players or poor coaches , " he added
    “从来没有人会费神去攻击糟糕的球员或差劲的教练。 ”
  • Today god of fortune look onto someone else , better just do your things quietly
  • However , maimonides then goes on to say that both faiths help god redeem the world
  • 16 if so , why do we listen carefully ? what ' s the benefit do we attain from listening or reading
  • If it is god s justice , instead of his anger , which is walking through that house , maximilian , turn away your face and let his justice accomplish its purpose . " morrel shuddered
    假如来到那座房子的不是上帝的绝灭天使而是他的正义之神,马西米兰,你装作没有听见这一切,让正义之神去行动吧。 ”
  • Perhaps some people may find it exciting , but for me , the illogical plot is very distracting , it just hinders me from enjoying it seriously . running out of time 2 merely retains the superficial narrative structure of the prequel , while it completely fails to capture its spirit
  • I write without any intention of paining you , or humbling myself , by dwelling on wishes , which , for the happiness of both , cannot be too soon forgotten ; and the effort which the formation and the perusal of this letter must occasion should have been spared , had not my character required it to be written and read
  • The retinue of indra consists chiefly of the gandharvas , a class of genii , considered in the epics as the celestial musicians ; and their wives , the apsaras , lovely nymphs , who are frequently employed by the gods to make the pious devotee desist from carrying his austere practices to an extent that might render him dangerous to their power
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