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  • singular values of a matrix


  • Discuss the symmetric solutions under restriction of norm - function using the singular value decomposition of matrix
  • Thirdly , the analysis method for nonlinear system using rank factor of observability and singular value decomposition are proposed , and navigation observability is analyzed
  • In the first part , depending on three or more images , the main research work are listed as follows : ( l ) using svd decomposition to realize projective reconstruction ; ( 2 ) realizing camera self - calibration by solving kruppa ' s equation ; ( s ) recovering euclidean reconstruction from projective reconstruction . depending on only two images , the main researches are : ( l ) making out infinite plane homography matrix by using scene structure information , then recovering affine reconstruction from projective reconstruction ; ( 2 ) making out the absolute conic images by using scene structure information , and then recovering euclidean reconstruction from projective reconstruction
    在第一部分中,针对三幅及三幅以上的图像,主要研究:利用矩阵奇异值分解( svd )实现射影重构,通过求解kruppa方程实现摄像机自标定,由射影重构恢复欧氏重构;针对只有两幅图像的情况,主要研究:利用场景结构信息求解无穷远平面的单应矩阵,由射影重构恢复仿射重构,利用场景结构信息求解绝对二次曲线的像(等价于标定摄像机) ,由仿射重构恢复欧氏重构。
  • ( 6 ) the analysis on singularity configurations of the manipulator were investigated by the singular value decomposition of jacobian matrix , which was treated with the damped least - square method in the motion . from the results obtained it was indicated that the minimum singular value of manipulator calculated by the damping jacobian matrix were far from zero position . velocity , position and accelerate of all the joints of manipulator moved regularly , consequently the problem that the joint of mani
    ( 6 )通过雅可比矩阵奇异值分解进行番茄收获机械手奇异性分析,并采用阻尼最小二乘法对机械手运动中的奇异位形进行处理,使番茄收获机械手最小奇异值远离零点,各关节运动速度、位置和加速度运动无异常波动,解决了机械手在奇异位形处某些关节运动无法控制的问题。
  • In this paper , damped least - square method utilized to overcome kinematic singularity of robotic manipulators was improved , which achieved more accurate tracking compared to the traditional method . singular value decomposition ( svd ) , to which was attached great importance in singularity - robust inverse kinematics and kinematic control of redundant manipulators , was investigated . also , an overwhelmingly utilized algorithm of svd was improved and some possible problems encountered in joint failure issues and redundant issues when using this algorithm was deeply discussed
矩阵奇异值的英文翻译,矩阵奇异值英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译矩阵奇异值,矩阵奇异值的英文意思,矩陣奇異值的英文矩阵奇异值 meaning in English矩陣奇異值的英文矩阵奇异值怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。