The secret of blackmoor was best discovered from the heights around . 想发现布蕾谷的奥妙,最好是站在它四周的山上往下眺览。
It is a vale whose acquaintance is best made by viewing it from the summits of the hills that surround it except perhaps during the droughts of summer . 想要熟悉这个山谷,最好是从它四周围那些山的山顶上往下眺览不过也许得把夏季干旱的时节除外。
If you get mad , show it ! if you ' re happy , laugh 别扈夼,憩?堤懂!别眺善办毡,憩?勘
Pisser burke for bladder trouble 膀眺有毛病怎么办?
He has a broad forehead , long and narrow eyebrows , a high nose bridge , and mouth showing great depth 山堂水殿,烟寺相望,林渊锦镜,缀目所眺” 。
To do the management well , we need the support and cooperation of the government and various departments 做好乡镇财政管理工作,也需要政府、各职能部门和单位及方方面面的支持与眺。
The music poetry center opens to share supreme master ching hai s teachings and artistic works with the public 位于亚洲村的丝竹坊,还供应有机茶叶和素食糕点,还可在阳台眺赏广场美景。
East to the airport , south to the railway station , west to the diancang hill and north to the erhai , with the easily accessible . scene spot 东眺飞机场,南邻火车站西靠点苍山北接洱海,交通十分便利,位置极为理想。
Tongke apartments lies on 637 pudong avenue nearbu lujiazui finance & trade district , north to huangpu river , west to dongfang rd 同科公寓位于陆家嘴金融贸易区其仓栈附近,浦东大道637号,北眺黄浦江近昌邑路,西接东方路。
Located on the top floor of minshan hotel , skyline terrace offers a panoramic view of chengdu besides its excellent food 鹤立于顶层二十一楼喜悦楼餐厅,以正宗、精美的四川小吃和川粤佳肴一展魅力,居高远眺,经天纬地的时空感受无与伦比。