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  • real object


  • The client will have no access to the real object
  • The jms jndi objects are bound to the actual objects in the message engine
    将jms jndi对象绑定到消息引擎中的真实对象中。
  • Which dispatches the call to the real object . you can also use the
    (它将调用调度到真实对象上) ,可以从重写的invoke方法中调用真实对象。
  • Object that contains the uniform resource identifier . the uri must be stored in the proxy , because the
    自定义代理可以封送真实对象以获取包含统一资源标识符( uri )的
  • Proxies achieve this by forwarding calls made on them to the real objects at remote locations
  • Returns the real object that should be deserialized , rather than the object that the serialized stream specifies
    返回应进行反序列化的真实对象(而不是序列化流指定的对象) 。
  • It achieves this by forwarding calls made on it to the real object using the remoting infrastructure
  • Method and store it as a field in the custom proxy . the custom proxy can marshal the real object to obtain the
    使用派生的proxyattribute时,可以在重写的proxyattribute . createinstance方法中创建一个真实对象,并将它作为字段存储在自定义代理中。
  • Implementation to dispatch a call to a real object . of course , the message does not have to be dispatched on a real object ; you can perform some task with it in
  • This system take rigid body as research object , it can reload simulative object at runtime , if analyze the simulated object particularity and distill all attribute into the system , then movement of simulated object will copy the movement of real object
真实对象的英文翻译,真实对象英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译真实对象,真实对象的英文意思,真實對象的英文真实对象 meaning in English真實對象的英文真实对象怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。