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音标:[ jí ]  发音:  


  • Ⅰ形容词
    1.(身体瘦弱) lean; thin and weak
    2.(不肥沃; 瘠薄) barren; poor; lean
    (姓氏) a surname


  • And the land is shaking and in pain : for the purposes of the lord are fixed , to make the land of babylon an unpeopled waste
  • [ bbe ] and the land is shaking and in pain : for the purposes of the lord are fixed , to make the land of babylon an unpeopled waste
  • And the land shall tremble and sorrow : for every purpose of the lord shall be performed against babylon , to make the land of babylon a desolation without an inhabitant
    耶51 : 29地必震动而苦因耶和华向巴比伦所定的旨意成立了、使巴比伦之地荒凉、无人居住。
  • Ningxia north mountainous area is one of the poorest area in china , where the serious population is leading to a more serious eco - systematic problem
  • In areas having not the conditions to practice cremation , cemeteries for remains must be planned in a scientific manner by selecting sites of cemeteries in barren hills and wasteland , banning the occupation of cultivated land and forest land and advocating deep burials without grave mounds left
  • 2 . the diagnostic surface horizons divided on the soils of the area are mollic epipedon , umbric epipedon and ochric epipedon . the diagnostic subsurface horizons are cambic horizon , argic horizon , histic evidence and mattic evidence . the diagnostic characteristics are sapric soil materials , folic soil materials , soil moisture regimes , soil temperature regimes , ferric property and base saturation
  • 3 . the soils are divided into 2 order , 3 suborder , 6 groups in soil taxonomy ; the soil vertical zone strcture of south slope taibai mountain is : ferric - udic argosols ( < 1600m ) - acidi + ferric - udic cambosols ( l 600 - 2700 m ) - bori - udic cambosols ( 2700 - 3400 m ) - molli - gelic cambosols ( 3400 - 3500m ) - umbri - gelic cambosols ( > 3500m )
    供试土壤在系统分类中划分为2个土纲, 3个亚纲, 6个土类;太白山南坡土壤垂直带谱结构为:铁质湿润淋溶土( 1600m )酸性+铁质湿润雏形土( 1600 2700m )冷凉湿润雏形土( 2700 3400m )暗沃寒冻雏形土( 3400 3500m )暗寒冻雏形土( 3500m ) 。


  • 瘠的泰文
  • 瘠的法语:形 <书> 1.maigre;faible;chétif 2.stérile;aride~土terre stérile;sol aride
  • 瘠的日语:瘠jí 〈書〉 (1)(身体が)やせている. (2)(土地が)やせている. 贫 pín 瘠/(土地が)やせている.
  • 瘠的韩语:[형용사]【문어】 (1)(몸이) 야위다. 수척하다. (2)(땅이) 메마르다. 척박하다.
  • 瘠的俄语:[jí] 1) худой; тощий 2) неплодородный • - 瘠薄 - 瘠瘦
  • 瘠什么意思:jí ㄐㄧˊ 1)瘦弱:瘦~。 2)土地不肥沃:~土。~田。~薄。贫~。 3)薄,简约:“若是则~,~则不足欲”。 ·参考词汇: barren lean poor thin and weak ·参考词汇: 沃 肥 瘠田 瘠人肥己 瘠义肥辞 瘠瘦 地瘠民贫 瘦瘠 瘠薄 古肥今瘠 外强中瘠 瘠牛羸豚 瘠己肥人 瘠牛偾豚 秦越肥瘠 越人肥瘠 贫瘠 变醨养瘠 哀...
瘠的英文翻译,瘠英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译瘠,瘠的英文意思,瘠的英文瘠 meaning in English瘠的英文瘠怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。