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  • vasiliev
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  • vasilyev
  • vassilyev


  • 1986 moved to buryatia and worked under supervision of sculptor and wood carver g . vasilliev , a corresponding member of the russian academy of fine arts
  • Only the countess elena vassilyevna , who considered it beneath her to associate with nobodies like the bergs , could have had the cruelty to refuse such an invitation
  • Dont judge by methe sleeves nowadays are like this ! the other day the young princess , irina vassilyevna , came to see me , just as though she had put two barrels on her arms , a dreadful fright
  • What , and you are staying just as you are , dear princess . they will come in a minute to tell us the gentlemen are in the drawing - room , she began . we shall have to go down , and you are doing nothing at all to your dress
    “啊唷,你这个老傻瓜, ”他想了一下, “你看叶连娜瓦西里耶夫娜即海伦就是到了五十岁还是个美人儿。 ”
  • That evening the countess elena vassilyevna gave a reception ; the french ambassador was there , and a royal prince who had become a very frequent visitor at the countesss of late and many brilliant ladies and gentlemen
  • Elena vassilyevna , who has never cared for anything but her own body , and is one of the stupidest women in the world , pierre thought , is regarded by people as the acme of wit and refinement , and is the object of their homage
    “海伦瓦西里耶夫娜除开爱自己的身段,她不爱任何东西,她是世界上最愚蠢的女人之一, ”皮埃尔想道, “但是人们都觉得她是智慧和风雅的顶峰并且崇拜她。
  • When the names of the persons waiting to see him were announced to himamong them a frenchman , who had brought a letter from his wife , the countess elena vassilyevnahe felt suddenly overcome by that sense of the hopelessness and intricacy of his position to which he was particularly liable
  • But either because stupidity was just what was needed for the successful management of such a salon , or because those who were deceived took pleasure in the deception , the cheat was not discovered , and the reputation of a charming woman clung so persistently to elena vassilyevna bezuhov , that she could utter the vulgarest and stupidest speeches , and every one was just as enthusiastic over every word , and eagerly found in it a profound meaning of which she did not dream herself . pierre was exactly the husband needed by this brilliant society woman
    然而,是否是因为主持这种客厅活动正需要愚昧无知,或是因为被欺骗的人们自己要在这种骗术中寻找乐趣,欺骗是不会被人揭穿的,海伦瓦西里耶夫娜别祖霍娃这个dune femme charmante et spirituelle的名声不可动摇地确立起来了,以致她可以说些最庸俗而愚蠢的话,大家还是会赞赏她的每句话,并且从中找到连她自己也意料不到的深刻的涵义。


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