现场 1.(出事地点) scene 保护现场 keep the scene intact; 作案现场 the scene of a crime2.(工作地点) site; spot; on-site; work field 工作现场 worksite; 试验现场 testing ground; 奔赴现场 proceed to the spot; rush to the scene; 观看世界杯比赛的现场转播 watch the live telecasting of the world cup match; 警察被派往出事现场。 the policemen were dispatched to the spot. 人群围聚在受灾现场。 the crowds gathered about the scene of the disaster.; 现场报道员 anchorman; anchorwoman; 现场表演 on-the-spot demonstration; live demonstration; 现场采访 spot coverage; chat [talk] show; 现场查验 view of the scene; 现场调查 field survey; on-the-spot investigation; 现场服务 field service; 现场会议 on-the-spot meeting; 现场交货 delivery on spot; 现场教学 on-the-spot teaching; field teaching; 现场勘测 site investigation; 现场勘察 inspection of the scene of a crime; 现场消息 [新] spot news; 现场直播 live broadcast; 现场指导 on-the-spot guidance; 现场转播 live broadcast [telecasting]; telecast live
仪表 1.(人的外表) appearance; bearing 他已失去堂堂仪表。 he has lost his imposing appearance.2.(各种测定仪) meter; instrument; apparatus
Supervise the testing , calibration on field and acceptance of installed instrumentation 监督现场仪表的测试,校正以及负责现场安装仪表的验收。
Digitalization , intelligent , and networked is the developing direction of field instrument 数字化,智能化,以及网络化是现场仪表的发展方向。
The appearance of fieldbus control system makes the field instrument face a new change too 现场总线控制系统的出现使工业现场仪表也面临着一场新的变革。
Specification and performance of on - site instrumentation for continuously monitoring radioactivity in effluents 连续监视流出物放射性用现场仪表装置的性能和规格
2 . low cost . the cost of controller is lower than field instrument without extra expenditrue 成本低,控制器的成本远低于现场仪表,几乎不需要增加额外开销。
In this paper , firstly , the hart protocol and its application in local meters is discussed 本文首先论述了hart协议及其在现场仪表中的应用,并分析了压力变送器的发展现状和工作原理。
One of two main characteristics of fieldbus is its realization of digital communication ; the other one is its full openness to all 现场总线技术最大的特点有两个,一是实现了现场仪表的数字通信和智能处理,二是它的全开放性。
Participate in discussion of instrument troubleshooting , and summarization of repair experience , to provide recommendation for instrument maintenance 在安装施工和生产准备阶段,积极参与现场仪表设备的安装、调试、投用,确保装置顺利开车投产。
During the transient period when the standard of fieldbus has not be unified completely , how to meet the market ' s huge needs for intelligent local meter 在现场总线标准在国际上尚未完全统一的过渡时期,如何来满足市场对智能现场仪表的巨大需求呢?
At the same time , real - time monitoring software further increases the system ' s automation level , which is convenient for both technician and management 微机实时监控的介入进一步提高了系统的自动化水平,方便了技术人员对现场仪表监控状况的了解与管理。