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  • circulation center


  • When the spatial pattern is of the north - south asymmetry , in the warm north - cold south years , there is a anticyclone circulation existing over the warm pool at 850hpa , easterly at 15 n and westerly in the tropical region have been greatly strengthened , while the center of anticyclone circulation moves to the east asia at 200hpa , and the hadley circulation has been affected evidently , so the summer rainfall may be above normal in the middle and lower reaches of the yangtze river , vice versa . there are different relations to east asia atmospheric circulation and summer rainfall in china
    当ssta为南北半球反对称分布时,与ssta北暖南冷分布相对应, 850hpa暖池区上空为一反气旋偏差环流, 15 n附近东风气流和赤道附近西风气流增强,长江中下游地区盛行偏南风气流; 200hpa反气旋偏差环流中心移到东亚大陆上空;副热带高压强度、西伸脊点都明显变强、西伸; hadley环流得到发展,长江中下游(华北)地区为上升(下沉)气流,降水明显增多(减少) ,北冷南暖年则相反。
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