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音标:[ yùshíjùfén ]  发音:  


  • jade and stone burned together; a fire knows no moral.; destruction of good and bad alike


  • The challenge is to know where to strike the balance , and to make sure we don ' t throw out the baby with the bath water
  • A plane is hijacked by a dishonored marine and his rogue team to take revenge against one of the passenger , the chairman of the national security council who , unknown to anyone , carries something that is extremely important


  • 玉石俱焚的泰文
  • 玉石俱焚的法语:pièce de jade,bloc de pierre,tout est la proie des flammes.bons et méchants enveloppés tous dans le même malheur.
  • 玉石俱焚的日语:〈成〉玉石共に焚[や]く.よいものも悪いものも共に滅びる.
  • 玉石俱焚的韩语:【성어】 옥과 돌이 함께 타다; 착한 사람과 악한 사람이 함께 화를 입다. =[玉石俱碎] [玉石同碎] [玉石同沉]
  • 玉石俱焚的俄语:pinyin:yùshíjùfén огонь уничтожает и яшму и камни (обр. в знач.: истребить и правых и виноватых)
  • 玉石俱焚什么意思:yù shí jù fén 【解释】美玉和石头一样烧坏。比喻好坏不分,同归于尽。 【出处】《尚书·胤征》:“火焱昆岗,玉石俱焚。” 【示例】一场大火使这座大楼~。 【拼音码】ysjf 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语、宾语;含贬义 【英文】good people are destroyed with the bad as the jade and stone are burned up to...
玉石俱焚的英文翻译,玉石俱焚英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译玉石俱焚,玉石俱焚的英文意思,玉石俱焚的英文玉石俱焚 meaning in English玉石俱焚的英文玉石俱焚怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。