Why you should expect it through the person of a steamy, devoted, often tiresome jewess to find this kind of thing ? 你为什么希望通过一个浑身冒着热气,忠心耿耿,却常常令人讨厌的犹太女人来发现这种东西?
God forbid you ever get a real taste forjewish skirt 上帝连犹太女人的裙边也不许你碰
The jewish woman turned pale , and asked the exact date 犹太女人脸色苍白,问那件事发生的准确日期。
It ' s a jew he ' s enjoying 他迷恋的是个犹太女人
It ' s a jew he ' s enjoying 他迷恋的是个犹太女人
I kissed a jewish girl 我亲了一个犹太女人
At that moment , a twenty - year - old israeli soldier in uniform walked into the room , and the jewish woman broke down in tears . " this is your son , " she cried 这时,一个二十岁的以色列士兵走进了房间,犹太女人哭了。 “这是你的孩子, ”她哭着说。
At that time , there was an israelite woman called joahebed . she had just given birth to a son . she had two children already - a boy called aaron and a little girl called miriam 在这个时候,有一个叫约基别的犹太女人,她生出来一个男孩,本来她已经有两个小孩,一个男孩叫亚伦,另外一个小女儿叫米丽安。