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  • parlour
  • stateroom
  • "特别"英文翻译    special; unusual; particular ...
  • "室"英文翻译    room
  • "个别室" 英文翻译 :    compartment
  • "特别" 英文翻译 :    1.(与众不同) special; unusual; particular; out of the ordinary 没什么特别的地方 nothing out of ordinary; 他的口音很特别。 he has a peculiar accent.2.(格外) especially; particularly; specially 质量特别好 be of extra fine quality; 他工作特别努力。 he's especially hardworking. 老红军的报告特别有教育意义。 the veteran red army man's talk was particularly instructive. 这里最需要医务人员, 特别是外科医生。 we're in bad need of medical workers, especially surgeons.3.(特地) specially; especially 老大娘特别为伤员炖了一只鸡。 granny cooked a chicken especially for the wounded soldier.; 特别案件 extraordinary case; 特别保释 special bail; 特别保释令 manucaption; 特别保险 specific insurance; 特别保证书 special warranty; 特别报价 special offer; 特别背书 special endorsement; 特别辩护人 special pleader; special demurrer; 特别财产权 special property; 特别裁决 special verdict; special rule; special finding; 特别存款 special deposit; 特别代表 special deputy; 特别代理人 special agent; 特别订单 special order; 特别法 special law; 特别法庭 special tribunal; special court; 特别股息 special dividend; 特别观察员 an ad hoc observer; 特别海损 particular average; extraordinary average; 特别会议 special meeting [session]; 特别机动队 fire brigade; 特别价格 special price; 特别军事法庭 special court-martial; military commission; 特别开支 special expenses; 特别客车 saloon car; 特别快车 limited express; express train; 特别利益 special advantage;特别命令 special order; 特别陪审团 special jury; struck jury; 特别批准 special authorization; 特别任务 special duty; 特别税 special assessment; surtay; 特别提款权 special drawing right (sdr); special drawing rights (sdrs) (国际货币基金的); 特别提款权帐户 special drawing account; 特别条款 special clause; 特别行政区 special administrative region; 特别许可证 special licence; 特别信用 special credit; 特别优惠待遇 special preferential treatment; 特别预算 special budget; 特别帐户 special account; 特别争议 special issue; 特别咨文 special message (sm); 特别资历 superseniority; 特别准备 special reserve; 特别罪行 crimen extraordinarium; 特别财产权 special property; 特别裁决 special verdict; special rule; special finding; 特别程序 special proceeding; 特别出庭 special appearance
  • "特别, 格外" 英文翻译 :    above the rest
  • "特别, 专门" 英文翻译 :    in specialty
  • "特别,额外" 英文翻译 :    ext extra
  • "特别版" 英文翻译 :    cracked; gundam wing the movie: endless waltz se; keygen; lu / ncb / others; reg
  • "特别餐" 英文翻译 :    special meal
  • "特别迟" 英文翻译 :    tbc
  • "特别的" 英文翻译 :    ad hoc; buckshee; especial; exceptional; exotic; ext extra; extraordinary; in particular; in special; individual; limited; of choice; particular―particularly; peculiar; singular; special
  • "特别地" 英文翻译 :    ad hoc; express; in particular; particllarly; particularly; specially; specifically; ┅
  • "特别法" 英文翻译 :    jus singulare; lex specialis; special law
  • "特别费" 英文翻译 :    specific cost
  • "特别股" 英文翻译 :    preferred stock; special stock
  • "特别好" 英文翻译 :    hit the spots
  • "特别化" 英文翻译 :    specialization; specilization
  • "特别级" 英文翻译 :    extra
  • "特别价" 英文翻译 :    exceptional price
  • "特别奖" 英文翻译 :    jury special prize; special award; special lion; special mention
  • "特别角" 英文翻译 :    special angle
  • "特别累" 英文翻译 :    dog tired
  • "特别令" 英文翻译 :    extraordinary writs
  • "特别篇" 英文翻译 :    bad ending; black cat; heisei kyouiku linkai ds - zenkoku touitsu moshi special; lucas books; sega the best
  • "特别区" 英文翻译 :    special wards of tokyo


  • Special rooms , classrooms , teaching staff rooms
  • Installed multimedia equipment in each classroom special room
  • Mrs . tsang also took this chance to visit a series of special rooms in order to understand how our students use the special equipment
  • Function rooms such as art room , music room equipped with computers , projectors with 60 inches screen , color printers , scanners and physical projectors
  • No . of classroom : 24 no . of special room : 11 other : school hall , library , basketball court , cover playground , mmlc , mmlc of humanities , languages learning room , computer room , conference room
  • All indoor area are air - conditioning equipped . ? network , computers , lcd projector , overhead projector and other high - tech educational tools are installed in the classrooms , special room and school hall so as to facilitate it practice
  • After entering into a new century , the battery and energy and the related industries constantly grow up at a high speed , china successfully entered wto , and the continual growth of the whole mobile industries has been invigorated , and also the competition among manufacturers has become keen
  • Built on an area of 4300 square metres , the school is composed of two independent buildings : the school hall and the main building . the school hall has a seating capacity of 1300 and the six - storeyed , l - shaped main building has 25 classrooms and 16 special rooms which are air - conditioned and soundproof . providing students with a holistic education is our goal
特别室的英文翻译,特别室英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译特别室,特别室的英文意思,特別室的英文特别室 meaning in English特別室的英文特别室怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。