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  • milk protein


  • Foot care massage cream : it contains bio - oil , milk protein and moisturizing factor . it has functions of promoting blood circulation and nourishing skin
  • Foot care massage cream : it contains bio - oil , milk protein and moisturizing factor . it has functions of promoting blood circulation , activating cytoactive and nourishing skin
  • Protection from allergies breastmilk confers some protection against allergies , e . g . eczema , respiratory wheeze , asthma , etc , & also prevents intolerance & allergy to cow s milk protein
    母乳有助婴儿预防敏感症(过敏反应) ,例如:湿疹、呼吸道喘鸣、哮喘等,还可避免对牛奶蛋白产生不适应和过敏反应。
  • Importing the latest spa care therapeutics , cooperated with milk albumen and pearl moisturizing composition , it cleans the body gently and strengthens the moisture ability of the skin , caring , whitening and nourishing the skin
  • Based on studying the performance of the acrylics - based and poly - vinyl - based milk - protein fibers , the new qualitative identification method about the two kinds of milk - protein fibers is researched with the chemical agent " zncl - i2 "
  • The results show that these two kinds of fibers are different in shape and physical properties and can be sccuessfully differentiated with zncl - i2 , and it is pointed out that this chemical method can be used for the quantitative analysis of the products made out of milk protein fibers
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