Mutation effect of alkyl - hydroxybenzene with sos umu chromotest 试验评价烷基酚类化合物的致突变性
Test methods for chemical analysis of alcohol ethoxylates and alkylphenol ethoxylates 乙氧基乙醇和乙氧基烷基酚的化学分析方法
Alkyl phenol resin 烷基酚树脂
Surface active agents - sulfated ethoxylated alcohols and alkylphenols - determination of total active matter content 表面活性剂乙氧基化醇和烷基酚硫酸盐活性物质总含量的测定
Surface active agents . sulfated ethoxylated alcohols and alkylphenols . estimation of the mean relative molecular mass 表面活性剂.硫酸化乙氧化醇和烷基酚.相对平均分子量的评估
Surface active agents . sulfated ethoxylated alcohols and alkylphenols . determination of total active matter content 表面活性剂.聚乙氧基醇硫酸盐和烷基酚硫酸盐.总活性物质含量的测定
Surface active agents . sulfated ethoxylated alcohols and alkylphenols . determination of content of unsulfated matter 表面活性剂.硫酸化乙氧基化醇和硫酸化乙氧基化烷基酚.非硫化物含量的测量
Two kinds of compound ( nonylphenol and octyl phenol ) can not only decrease the number of the reproduction , but also affect the parthenogenesis of daphnia magua straus 结果表明,急性毒性较大的烷基酚,例如4 -辛基酚和4 -壬基酚对大型蚤的生殖毒性产生影响。
The chronic toxicity of four kinds of phonetic compounds to daphnia mugua straus was determined . the relationship of the structure and effect of the compounds were discussed by the chronic results . the results show that all the compounds we measured have effects on the reproduction of the daphnia magua straus 烷基酚化合物对四种水生生物的毒性机制主要与脂水分配系数相关,为通透生物膜产生毒性的非反应性毒性,而氯代酚对四种水生生物的毒性机制一方面和logp有关的,另一方面是和电子效应相关的反应性毒性。
But the previous research works mainly focused on the screening of environment persistent pollutants , such as organochlorine insecticides and alkylphenol , to our knowledge , no report on the residual toxicity and environmental estrogens effects has been existed in the literature yet 但目前为止,主要集中于环境中持久性有机污染物如有机氯农药和烷基酚类化合物的筛选上,而我国是农业大国,大量地使用了有机磷农药,其残留毒性及环境雌激素效应的研究还尚未见报道。