点头 nod one's head致意 give one's regards; present ...致意 give one's regards; present one's compliments; send one's greetings 点头致意 nod a greeting; 挥手致意 wave a greeting; 他向主席致意后开始了他的演说。 addressing the chairman, he began his speech点头 nod one's head; nod; nod assent; nod one's agreement; give permission 对某人点头 (打招呼) nod at sb.; 她点头表示同意。 she gave a nod of assent. 那位女士冷淡地朝我点头。 the lady nodded drily to me. 对瞎马点头眨眼都是一样。 a wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse 代向…致意 please remember me to your mother寒暄,致意 salutations and greetings请向 … 致意 remember me to sb请向…致意 please remember me to your mother问候, 致意 regards问候,致意 greet致敬,致意 b.rgds best regards致意;此致 rgds regards点点头 bow 2点头,打盹 nod点头的 nodding点头器 lighter凤点头 wind nod鞠躬、点头 bow抗点头 anti-dive招手,点头 beckon点头, 点头状痉挛 head-nod埋头致力于研究 bury oneself in one's studies挥手致意 waving one's hand to bid sb. farewell; winken鞠躬致意 bow 2特应性致意 atopy salute
The merry man was the first to greet the strangers with a nod . 滑稽面孔的人首先对着陌生人点头致意 。 "do you know turner?" said burton as i nodded a greeting . “你认识特纳吗?”在我点头致意 的时候,伯顿问我。 The waggoner marching at their head saluted 在前边领路的车把式向他们点头致意 。 When li came in , the sorcerer welcomed him 李备德走进屋子后,道长微微点头致意 。 You can ' t nod to them . you can ' t do . . . 你不能朝他们点头致意 不能… … You can ' t nod to them . you can ' t do . . 你不能朝他们点头致意 不能… … You can ' t nod to them . you can ' t do 你不能朝他们点头致意 不能 " do you know turner ? " said burton as i nodded a greeting “你认识特纳吗? ”在我点头致意 的时候,伯顿问我。 All three refreshed themselves , nodding to each other in token of salutation 三个女人一起喝起酒来,并互相点头致意 。 You can ' t nod to the audience in the show . it just breaks the reality 你不能在演出中间向观众点头致意 这破坏了真实感