We will replace any accessories you bought from us for your original phone 我们为你从我们这买的原装手机换配件。点击次数:发表留言责任编辑:
Search engine stats might give you exposure , but click rates mean nothing if the customer ' s not buying 搜索引擎也许会把你的网站显示给用户,但如果客户不购买产品的话,网站的点击次数就失去意义了。
Control does not inherently provide a way to gather statistics about which ads users have clicked , how many times an ad has been clicked , and so on 控件本身不提供收集统计信息(比如用户已点击哪些广告,某一广告的点击次数等)的方法。
A button whose color cannot be changed and a button that has an additional property that tracks how many times it has been clicked are examples of extended controls 一个不能更改颜色的按钮和一个具有跟踪点击次数属性的按钮就是扩展控件的具体示例。
Gamespy : in a recent magazine article , you mentioned a new feature where the computer would register panic or multiple clicks on a particular unit and take that into account when determining attacks 在最近的杂志文章,你题到一个新特性,电脑会在进攻的时候考虑到紧急程度或者说是点击次数。
Rules a bit complicated every time you can click on a row of beans , the number of hits on the open - from you and the computer take turns to do the who until after only a pea who will win 规则有点复杂,每次你只能点击一排内的豆子,点击次数不限,由你和电脑轮流来做,直到谁点过后只剩下一枚豆子谁便获胜
You ' ll see the total number of page , ad unit , and ad impressions as well as ad clicks , clickthrough rate ( ctr ) , cost per thousand impressions ( effective cpm ) , and your earnings 在报告中您可以看到网页总展示次数、广告单元总展示次数、广告总展示次数、广告总点击次数、点击率( ctr ) 、每千次展示费用(有效的cpm )以及您的收入。
Be a very shameless game , don ' t know you can win victory . the rule has a little complications , each time your bean that can click inside one row , click number of times unlimited , is done by turn with computer by you , until who order later on to leave a bean who win then 是个非常赖皮的游戏,不知道你能不能取胜呢.规则有点复杂,每次你只能点击一排内的豆子,点击次数不限,由你和电脑轮流来做,直到谁点过后只剩下一枚豆子谁便获胜
The web log analyzer sample is a windows form application that analyzes log files created by web servers , such as microsoft internet information server . it includes reports that show statistics on page hits , server activity , and referrals from other sites Web日志分析器示例是一个windows窗体应用程序,用于分析web服务器[如microsoft internet information server ( iis ) ]创建的日志文件,包含显示有关页点击次数、服务器活动和其他网站推荐的统计信息的报表。