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  • volcanic plain


  • Europe ' s first spacecraft to the moon ended its three - year mission sunday by crashing into the lunar surface in a volcanic plain called the lake of excellence , to a round of applause in the mission control room in germany
  • Europe ' s first spacecraft to the moon ended its three - year mission sunday by crashing into the lunar surface in a volcanic plain called the lake of excellence , to a round of applause in the mission control room in germany
  • Europe ' s first spacecraft to the moon ended its three - year mission sunday by crashing into the lunar surface in a volcanic plane called the lake of excellence , to a round of applause in the mission control room in germany
  • Darmstadt , germany ( ap ) - - europe ' s first spacecraft to the moon ended its three - year mission sunday by crashing into the lunar surface in a volcanic plane called the lake of excellence , to a round of applause in the mission control room in germany
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