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  • kiyokazu
  • kiyotane


  • Furthermore , leaving out the cleaning structure and compelling dropping structure , this device is more simple . 2 . setting up the models of working processes
  • This paper stated the improvement , innovation and working principle of this mechanism . the disseminator carry on single - seed pointed - planting using of ball - spoon shaped device filling in inside , a few aspects of power working together perform filling seed , clearing seed and dropping seed , which can guarantee precision quantify and controlling
  • The main context of this paper is improving the precision of the disseminator . through analyzing the motion and construction parameter , making sure of the factor of working property , the motion equations of seed were established , and then the mathematical patter of main parameters were established . using of vb , we compiled procedure to simulate the motion of seed in the working process , finding the main factor that affect on the working property of the disseminator , then optimal designing of parameters of the device was laid
    通过对排种轮的充种极限速度、清种始角、护种始角、排种器的投种口尺寸、型孔的尺寸等运动参数和结构参数进行分析,总体了解排种器结构参数和运动参数对其工作性能的影响,建立种子的运动方程,进而建立各主要参数(充种速度、清种角、护种角等)的数学模型,运用计算机辅助分析( caa )方法,通过visualbasic编制程序,对排种器工作过程中种子的运动进行动态模拟,找出影响排种器工作性能的主要因素,并对其参数进行优化,为合理地优化设计奠定了基础。
  • Based on analysis of the forces exerted to seeds in metering device during working procedure , the theoretical calculation equations for beginning and end angles of seed cleaning in scoop metering device with declined disc were established , and the impact of construction and working parameters on seed filling and cleaning were investigated


  • 清种什么意思:种植单一的作物。 与“间种”相对。    ▶ 《人民日报》1972.7.4: “于是就在耕作制度上进行改革, 把玉米‘清种’改为与其它中、矮棵作物间种。”
清种的英文翻译,清种英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译清种,清种的英文意思,清種的英文清种 meaning in English清種的英文清种怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。