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  • kiyonami
  • shiba


  • Pang ching - por , aged 73 , left his home in tsui lai garden , sheung shui at about 1 pm yesterday and has since failed to return
  • Http : / / gb . cri . cn / mmsource / images / 2007 / 03 / 29 / te070329022 . jpg [ / img ] venice ' s grand canal attracts nearly 15 million visitors each year
  • East bus station : take y7 bus to qingbomen site , towards to west , turn to right at the first corner , walk about 50 meters towards north , turn left when you find papillon cafe , another 20 meters walking , you will find us . ( nearby the qianwangmeilu restaurant )
    汽车东站:可以乘y7路公交车到河坊街的清波门站下车,到南山路上右拐,往北走50米,左转到钱王祠停车场与伯昂咖啡馆间的小路再走20米左右就到了(钱王美庐旁边) 。
  • Tianxiang pavilion , quiet and refined , you can taste the traditional guangdong cuisine and vigorous seafood , meanwhile sightsee the blue sea and white sand for leisure . coffee garden chooses many kinds of special type menus carefully for the vip . there are another buffet for the weeken , sunday and vacation . the banquet hall offer the traditional guangzhou cuisine , vigorous seafood and the flavor delicacy cooked by the skilled cooker . no matter the birthday banquet or commercial reward all let the host and guests joyous . haitian bar is the best destination for the friend together and commercial affiar
  • So , beginning from july of 1999 , we hosted six video - lectures in abancay in apurimac province , and chincha , huanuco , barranca , and chimbote , as well as the capital city of ica province . with master s blessing , each event was successful from start to finish . each lecture attracted numerous local people , and many were eager to register for the convenient method


  • 清波什么意思:  1.  清澈的水流。    ▶ 汉 严忌 《哀时命》: “知贪饵而近死兮, 不如下游乎清波。”    ▶ 宋 王安石 《车螯》诗之二: “清波濯其污, 白日晒其昏。”    ▶ 巴金 《复仇集‧爱的摧残》: “ 赛纳河 的清波在月光下发亮。”    2.  ...
清波的英文翻译,清波英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译清波,清波的英文意思,清波的英文清波 meaning in English清波的英文清波怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。