清理 put in order; clean; disentangle; check up; clear; sort out; liquidate 清理仓库 take stock; make an inventory of warehouse stocks; 清理档案 put the archives in order; sort out documents; 清理积案 clear the docket; 清理物资 check up on equipment and materials; 清理破产企业, 重新经营 liquidate business and start fresh; 清理逾期票据 clean up past-due bills; 清理一下乱七八糟的东西 clear up the mess; 停业清理 go into liquidation; 停业清理大拍卖 a liquidation sale; 市场清理 market clearing; 把家底清理清理。 let's take stock of what we have got
He often had to spend the night in deserted temples . 他常常不得不在清冷的庙中过夜。
The cold fall sun flamed over the new jersey mills . 秋天清冷的太阳照射在新泽西的工厂上。
Already the sky has begun to take on the steelier tints of winter . 天幕上已经蒙上了一层清冷的寒色。
The sun was slowly dropping behind the cold purple mountains when i heard the boy's footsteps coming toward my door . 太阳在清冷而紫红的山后缓缓沉下时,我听到男孩的脚步声朝我的房门走过来。
For a space of time that seemed to her as long as she had been upon the earth, she sat huddled over the cold stove . 她蜷缩着坐在清冷的火炉旁待了一段时间,她觉得这段时间似乎和她活在世上的时间一般长久。
It was a black stream of something oozing from her basket, and it glistened like a slimy snake in the cold still rays of the moon . 那是她的篮子里流出来的一道黑油油的东西,在清冷寂静的月光下看着亮锃锃的,好象一条满身粘液的长虫。
Nights grow chilly in september “九月的夜晚变得清冷了。
We ' re swimming in the frozen sky 我们在清冷的夜空中畅游
At night the skies are cold and clear , and stars shine like the dreams of serpents 入夜了,天空清冷明澈,闪烁的星星仿佛是撒旦的梦境。
Exhales from books . but the air was too fresh and chill to be long breathed with comfort 但这破窗而入的空气又过于清冷,使他无法坦然地长久吸取。