Oxygen obtained from liquefied air is usually about 99.5% pure . 由液化空气所取得的氧其纯度通常约为99.5%。
Oxygen obtained from liquefied air is usually about 99 . 5 % pure 由液化空气所取得的氧其纯度通常约为99 . 5 % 。
These principles have been at the heart of air liquide ' s corporate strategy for over a century 这些原则也是液化空气集团一百多年发展策略的核心。
In 2005 , air liquide ranked the 355 in the top 500 published by forbes global ( version ) 在福布斯2005年公布的世界500强中,法国液化空气集团排名第355位,稳踞气体行业榜首。
In northern and eastern china , air liquide serves several hundreds of customers through its subsidiaries 在中国的东部和北部,液化空气集团通过其分公司为几百家用户提供服务。
Founded in 1902 , air liquide is the world leader in industrial and medical gases and related services 法国液化空气集团(简称“法液空” )成立于1902年,是全球领先的工业和医用气体及其相关服务的领军企业。
Air liquide ( china ) holding co . ltd . wholly owned by air liquide group and is responsible for all investment and about 1 , 500 employees in china 液化空气(中国)投资有限公司是法国液化空气集团在中国注册的全资子公司,负责管理在中国所有的投资项目和1 , 500名员工。
Air liquide set up air liquide shanghai and started its activity in cao he jing development zone in shanghai in 1990 to meet the needs of manufacturers of semiconductors 为满足半导体制造企业的需求,液化空气集团1990年在上海漕河泾开发区建立了液化空气上海有限公司并开始其业务。
A specialist in medical gases , hospital respiratory care and homecare , air liquide cares for more than 300 , 000 patients at home and serves more than 10 , 000 hospitals around the world 作为医疗气体、医院呼吸系统和家庭护理的专家,液化空气集团用心服务于全球超过30万家庭护理患者和1万多家医院。
In the continuously evolving areas of semiconductors and flat panel display , air liquide china closely supports its customers with leading - edge technologies and high value - added services 在不断发展的半导体和纯屏显示器领域,液化空气集团以其卓越领先的科技和高附加值的服务为客户提供紧密地支持。