The water in the irrigating ditch was well up . 灌溉渠里涨满了水。
He felt only a vast grief which mellowed him . 他只觉得一股巨大的悲痛涨满了他的心胸。
It had ceased to rain, but the earth was sodden, and the pools and rivulets were full . 雨已经停了,但是,地上湿漉漉的,池塘和小溪都涨满了水。
At work , express breastmilk during lunch & tea breaks , or if possible , whenever your breasts feel full 上班时利用午饭和休息时间挤奶。如情况许可,最好每当乳房感到涨满时挤奶。
Gimmerton chapel bells were still ringing ; and the full , mellow flow of the beck in the valley came soothingly on the ear 吉默吞的钟还在响着山谷里那涨满了的水溪传来的潺潺流水声非常悦耳。
The candle lights light up the riany night . all my tender greetings flows slowly , until they flood in the little river of your life 烛光点燃的雨夜,润湿温馨的祝福,缓缓地流淌,涨满你生命的小河。
Her swollen bladder was very prominent now , and he began to wonder how the girl could withstand such pressure inside her 过于涨满的膀胱已经可以很明显的看到,不禁让褚玛担心这个女孩怎么能够禁得起体内如此庞大的压力。
Despite the popularity of these images , little substantial cultural progress was made , and the thinking remained at an abstract level , not realized in daily life 这些意象这些呼唤,令我们精神上充盈涨满,但实际的文化工作则未必真有什么进展。
A little fishing was done in the port , and a quantity of strolling about by night , and looking seaward : particularly at those times when the tide made , and was near flood 海港里有少量渔船,晚上有不少人散步,眺望海景,在海潮渐渐升起快要涨满时游人更多。
The snow is quite gone down here , darling , replied her husband ; and i only see two white spots on the whole range of moors : the sky is blue , and the larks are singing , and the becks and brooks are all brim full “在整个旷野上我只能看见两个白点:天是蓝的,百灵在歌唱,小河小溪都涨满了水。