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  • lubricating effect


  • In order to realize smooth movement of mechanical system at a low velocity , the following work investigates new types of linear ultrasonic motors and antifriction technique by superposing the motor ’ s elliptical vibrating motion at the friction interface to change frictional characteristics , produce ultrasonic lubricant effect and realize active control of friction force
  • The wear - resistance of the rps tin coating is significantly higher than that of the quenched m2 high - speed steel . the wear resistance of the quenched m2 high - speed steel was improved about 2 . 5 times by the rps tin coating under high load . the antifriction performance of the tin coating is also very excellent due to the self - lubricating effect of tin , the friction efficient of which is about 5 . 3 % that of the quenched m2 steel
    在无润滑条件下,反应等离子喷涂tin涂层的耐磨性明显高于淬火m2钢,在高载荷下,其耐磨性是m2钢的2 . 5倍;同时,由于tin的自润滑效应,涂层的减摩性远远优于m2钢,高载荷下摩擦系数仅是m2钢的5 . 3 。
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