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  • metalworking coolant


  • In august 1998 , the mct lubricating cooling fluid and f - 8326 regenerant won the golden medal in the first international einstein new invention new technology and products expo
    1998年8月mct润滑冷却液和f - 8326再生剂荣获首届国际爱因斯坦新发明新技术(产品)博览会国际金奖。
  • Abstract : according to the working conditions of cutting lubricating coolant used in stone processing , we developed a specialized emulsifying oil for stone processing cooloant , and estabhshed the corresponding standard
  • Mct series lubricating cooling fluid products have got the technical certificate from shanghai technology association . our mct series lubricating cooling fluid is a new long efficiency good product in 1994
    Mct型系列润滑冷却液产品, 1994年通过上海科学技术协会组织技术鉴定,确认mct型系列润滑冷却液是一种新型长效国内领先产品,经上海卫生防疫站检测无毒,对皮肤无刺激。
  • Shanghai haiying chemical co . , ltd is a new technology enterprise specialized in the production of metal working fluid . we have a strong technology power and high development and production capacity . our goal is to be a complex integrated the science research with production and sale
    上海海营化工工贸实业公司是专业从事生产金属加工液的新技术企业,公司技术力量雄厚,具有较强的开发和研制能力,公司的宗旨“集科研、生产、销售服务于一体” ,以质量第一、服务第一、为冶金、汽车、机电、轴承、造船等行业提供机械设备加工润滑冷却液
润滑冷却液的英文翻译,润滑冷却液英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译润滑冷却液,润滑冷却液的英文意思,潤滑冷卻液的英文润滑冷却液 meaning in English潤滑冷卻液的英文润滑冷却液怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。