消磨 1.(逐渐消失) wear down; fritter away 消磨精力 fritter away one's energy; 消磨志气 sap one's will2.(度过) while away; idle away 消磨时间 kill time; pass the time; 消磨岁月 while away the time; 消磨时日 while away the time; 消磨余年 spend one's remaining years
It diverts us only to divert, to make the time pass without pain . 它为娱乐而耍弄我们,只为能毫无痛苦地消磨掉时间。
I will not, like a sluggard, wear out my youth in idleness at home . 我不愿意象个懒人一样待在家里,游手好闲地把我的青春消磨掉。
They lingered away the whole evening at the tea - house 他们在茶馆消磨掉整整一个晚上。
Don ' t let sorrow fret away your courage 别让忧愁消磨掉你的勇气。
It turns my stomach to rot 它消磨掉了我的勇气
Man s whole life passes in doing these things , and his intellect is exhausted by reflecting on them 人的一生就是在做这种事情上消磨掉的,老是想着这种事,他的智力就在这些梦想中干涸了。
The experience of not carrying through a personal goal chips away at our self - esteem and makes us feel less successful 没有将个人目标坚持下去,这样的经验渐渐消磨掉我们的自信心,让我们觉得不太成功。
As more families break up , children aren ' t being read to at bedtime anymore and instead spend long hours in front of a television set 随着更多的家庭解体,再也不会有人在孩子们就寝时给他们念故事书,反而在电视机前消磨掉许多时间。