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  • message origin


  • Expects a message source and a message number
  • Stationary message source
  • A reporter whose job is to gather information at the scene of an event or by visiting various news sources
  • It is a set of programming interfaces that abstracts identity authentication , message origin authentication and integrity , and message confidentiality
  • On windows this message source is a dynamic link library containing these messages , on unix systems this is a xpg4 catalog
    在windows中,该消息源是包含这些消息的动态链接库( dll ) ,在unix系统中,该消息源是xpg4目录。
  • The source of the message was obviously a poorly - written module - it should have given a more meaningful message - but i was able to debug it by running showsyserr with the value 2 as the argument
  • The man being investigated , 25 years old , reportedly arrived in san francisco on a flight in august 2006 , on a visa issued in shanghai , a source told sneed , adding that investigators had not linked the suspect to any terrorist groups
  • The synthesising mind “ takes information from disparate sources . . . and puts it together in ways that make sense to the synthesiser and also other persons . . . the capacity to synthesise becomes ever more crucial as information continues to mount at dizzying rates ”
    综合头脑“从各种不同的消息源提取信息… …并按照对总结者和其他人有意义的方式,将它们整合起来… …随着信息量以令人眼花缭乱的速度激增,综合能力变得日益至关重要了” 。
  • However , following these journals via a personal aggregator can be a bit hit - and - miss : if you just have a certain set of people in your rss aggregator , you may lose out on new entrants to the community , and they may get jumbled in with other news sources you want to follow
消息源的英文翻译,消息源英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译消息源,消息源的英文意思,消息源的英文消息源 meaning in English消息源的英文消息源怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。