Scrub the shells of shellfish , and then soak them in clean water for a period of time 贝类海产的外壳要洗擦,然后用清水浸一段时间。
Shellfish should have intact shells . the water and containers rearing the shellfish should be clean 贝类海产的外壳要完整,养水及器皿要干净。
The study says that means their catch has fallen by ninety percent from their highest levels 研究表示这意味着海产的捕捞比历史最高水平降低了90 。
1 the researchers say there has already been a collapse in wild populations of almost one - third of currently fished seafoods 研究人员表示目前有几乎三分之一的作为渔业海产的野生鱼类种群数目大幅下降。
The survey provides baseline information on the general publics knowledge and attitudes related to sustainable consumption of marine products 是次调查提供了有关公众对可持续使用海产的知识和态度的基线资料。
These chemicals persist in the environment : they build up in the food chain and can harm marine organisms and humans who consume contaminated seafood 这些化学物能长期存在于环境中,并可在食物链内积聚,对海洋生物和有机会进食受污染海产的市民均会构成危害。
Before cooking , wash and scrub the shells of shellfish , then place them in clean water for a period of time so that they can expel pollutants from their bodies 煮食前,应用清水将贝壳类海产的外壳洗擦乾净,并浸养于清水一段时间,待它们自行清滤体内的污物。
The outer shell of shellfish should be removed and the shellfish cooked in boiling water for a relatively long period of time to ensure that it is thoroughly cooked 贝壳类海产的外壳应除去,然后放在滚汤内一段较长时间,确保热力渗透至中心部份,以便彻底煮热,方可食用。
The sea covers nearly one million square miles and supports vast populations of fish , shellfish , birds , and marine mammals such as polar bears , whales , walruses , and sea lions 海洋面积接近100万平方哩,是大量海鱼和贝类海产的栖息地,也为无数鸟类和海洋哺乳动物,如北极熊鲸鱼海象和海狮等提供充足的食物。