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  • fcm
  • flow-cytometry


  • One measure of malignancy is aneuploidy by flow cytometry
  • Chapter two is the research results and discussion , which consist of distributions of cell density , fluorescent characteristic per cell of ultraphytoplankton . synechococcus and picoeukaryotes are abundant in all stations of east china sea and yellow sea , and prochlorococcus ca n ' t be found in near - shore stations
    第二章为在东、黄海所做工作的主要成果阐述,主要分析了由流式细胞计获得的超微型浮游植物细胞密度、单细胞荧光在各站位的分布特征,结果如下:聚球藻( synechococcussp
  • This paper is the working results of flow cytometric measurements of ultraphytoplankton in east china sea and yellow sea , which including the works of two cruises in autumn 2000 and spring 2001 and two - week time series observation in summer 2001 . in addition , in situ enrichment experiments were designed at e2 station of spring cruise
    本文主要内容为流式细胞计在中国东、黄海对超微型浮游植物的检测结果报导,所做工作包括: 2000年秋季及2001年春季的两个航次、 2001年夏季( 7月)在长江口区的定点长时观测,此外,还在春季航次e2站进行了现场营养盐加富培养实验。
  • In chapter one the types and characteristic of ultraphytoplankton are introduced first , then the working principle and protocols of flow cytometry for ultraphytoplankton measurements are also presented . the main purpose of this part is to make good understanding of the works in east china sea and yellow sea
流式细胞计的英文翻译,流式细胞计英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译流式细胞计,流式细胞计的英文意思,流式細胞計的英文流式细胞计 meaning in English流式細胞計的英文流式细胞计怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。