洗衣服 do the landry; do the laundry; do the washing; wash clothes=do some washing; wash the clothes
Oh , it ' s probably in the laundry basket 噢!可能还在洗衣篮里。
Really means : " i once put a dirty towel in the laundry basket . 他的意思是:我曾经把一条脏毛巾放进洗衣篮里
Eula , you promised to split every wash basket with me , fair and square 尤拉,你保证过你会跟我平分每一个洗衣篮,光明正大地
But i will keep at it with his car , trying just one more time to launch one into his hamper 可我依然兴致勃勃地摆弄着他的玩具车,老想着再玩一次,再一次把玩具车开进他的洗衣篮里。
An old laundry basket bought at a flea market turned out to be more than a bargain for a woman in southern germany , when she found two savings accounts books and cash totaling around 200 , 000 deutschmarks 在跳蚤市场买到的一只旧洗衣篮对德国南部的一名妇女来说,变成不仅是一个便宜东西而已,她发现里面有两本储蓄帐户的存摺与现金,共计约二十万德国马克。