She had come to talbothays with a made - up mind 她是下定了决心到泰波塞斯来的。
I don t like biding here at talbotbays any longer 我再也不愿意在泰波塞斯住下去了!
I have no home at talbothays dairy now , sir , she said “我的家现在不在泰波塞斯奶牛场了,先生。 ”她说。
My brother s fellowship was won at his college , mine at talbothays dairy 我哥哥的奖学金是从学院里获得的,而我是从泰波塞斯奶牛场获得的。
Yang taibo ( the 3rd from right ) , vice governor of hunan province , visited the company on may 6 , 2002 湖南省副省长杨泰波(右三)于2002年5月6日视察公司合影。
A what ? said cuthbert and felix both . oh - tis an expression they use down at talbothays , replied angel , blushing “哦这是在泰波塞斯使用的说法, ”安琪尔脸上一红,回答说。
He is amby seedling , the chap who used to sometimes come and help at talbothays , she explained indifferently “他叫阿米西德林,从前有时候在泰波塞斯做零活儿, ”她满不在乎地解释说。
Clare paid a visit to the place , some few miles distant , one day at this time , to inquire particulars , and returned to talbothays in the evening 那个磨坊离这儿有几英里远,有一天克莱尔到那儿去过一次,打听过详细情况,到晚上才返回泰波塞斯。
One morning when they sat down to breakfast at talbothays dairy some maid observed that she had not seen anything of mr clare that day . o no , said dairyman crick 有一天早晨,大家在泰波塞斯奶牛场坐下来吃饭的时候,有个姑娘注意到当天她没有看见克莱尔先生一点儿影子。
Room would probably have been made for her at talbothays , if only out of sheer compassion ; but comfortable as her life had been there she could not go back 到泰波塞斯去,要是奶牛场老板仅仅出于同情,大概也不会不给她一个位置从前在那儿的生活虽然舒服,但是她不能回去了。