For this reason , the international society has much concern with the environment and trade problem 因此环境与贸易问题已成为国际社会注目的焦点。
At present , as the thorough study of logistics is deepening , the optimization of logistics system becoming the central issue 目前,随国内对物流配送的研究日渐深入,物流系统的最优化越来越成为众人注目的焦点。
Once again harry is at the center of attention , since there are some at hogwarts who think the young 3 ) wizard is 4 ) involved with the evil 5 ) deeds 哈利再度成为注目的焦点,因为在霍格华兹有些人认为这名年轻的巫师与这些恶行有关。
While slow flying in the air , hot balloons becomes a focus of observation of people on the ground , actting as remarkable carrier for advertising 在空中缓缓飞行的热气球,是地面上视觉范围内所有人注目的焦点,因此它成为了最具轰动效应的空中广告载体。
It ' s the focal point of times square and has become associated all over the world with that familiar countdown each year : three . . . two . . . one . . . happy new year 这是时代广场受人注目的焦点之一,同时也和每年全世界都在欣赏的新年倒数合为一体:三…二…一…新年快乐!
Afterward , ryan ' s shoes becomes very popular . his invention catches on widely and everyone wears shoes outdoors . this is the origin of shoes . the end 这件事情发生后,雷恩做的鞋子成为所有人注目的焦点,于是,他发明的鞋子大为流行,现在每个人出门都会穿鞋子。这就是鞋子的由来,故事告一段落了!
Diode - pumped solid - state laser has been paid more attention for its advantages . green , red , blue and ultraviolet solid - state lasers have attracted many scientists 激光二极管泵浦的固体激光器( dpssl )由于具有显著的优点而逐渐成为人们注目的焦点,全固态红、绿、蓝及紫外激光器的研究吸引了众多的科研工作者。
Those who have not had the pleasure of seeing adriana in a magazine fashion spread may have caught her in advertisements for anna sui jeans , bebe , gasoline , mossimo , victoria s secret , bcbg , keds , xoxo , and guess ? 也注定她成功的人生道路。 adriana lima从小的理想并不是成为一个模特正是这个瞧一瞧看一看的偶然机会改变了她的人生让她离开学校出现时尚杂志和t台上成为千百万人注目的焦点。
While her heritage may be a mix , her beauty and success are crystal clear . like her brazilian counterparts gisele bundchen and ana beatriz barros , adriana hails from a small town , a far cry from the glamorous life she inhabits today Adriana lima从小的理想并不是成为一个模特,正是这个瞧一瞧看一看的偶然机会改变了她的人生,让她离开学校出现时尚杂志和t台上,成为千百万人注目的焦点。