起伏 rise and fall; ups and downs; heave rolling; undulate; fluctuate 起伏不平的地形 a wavy terrain; 起伏的波涛 theheaving billows; 关系起伏 ebb and flow of the relations; ups and downs in the relations; 山峦起伏。 the mountain ranges rise and fall
They were playing early one morning, that happy, jouncy tune . 他们演奏的是《一天清晨》,那首旋律欢快,波澜起伏的曲子。
Love is a moving sea , between our soul 爱是波澜起伏的海洋,我们的灵魂隔海相望
They were playing early one morning , that happy , jouncy tune 他们演奏的是《一天清晨》 ,那首旋律欢快,波澜起伏的曲子。
Mr . carton , who had so long sat looking at the ceiling of the court , changed neither his place nor his attitude , even in this excitement 即使在这样的波澜起伏的情况之下,一直望着法庭天花板的卡尔顿先生仍然没有挪一挪身子,或改一改态度。
Thats quite a lesson from the 46 - year - old pop diva , whose fifth childrens book in the past 18 months " lotsa de casha , " hit store shelves this week 这位46岁的流行天后在经历了人生的波澜起伏后终于明白了这样的道理。经过18个月的创作,她的第五本儿童书《快乐的真谛》本周将正式出版。
That ' s quite a lesson from the 46 - year - old pop diva , whose fifth children ' s book in the past 18 months " lotsa de casha , " hit store shelves this week 这位46岁的流行天后在经历了人生的波澜起伏后终于明白了这样的道理。经过18个月的创作,她的第五本儿童书《快乐的真谛》本周在各书店上架。 。
Dramatic wins and losses . nightmare seasons and championship dreams that came true . the 2005 sports year was filled with emotions that took fans on several roller coaster rides (回顾)激动人心的胜负赛事。梦魇般的赛季以及锦标赛的冠军梦已成定局。 2005年的体坛风云变幻使得球迷们的情绪(宛若乘坐连场过山车)也随之波澜起伏。
The finance leasing is a kind of service business with specific function . it integrates the finance , marketing and financing service and its specific function also shows on material integration and distribution respects 我国金融租赁业起步于改革开放之初,是伴随着改革开放和经济体制转换的历程逐步发展起来的,二十多年的发展道路波澜起伏。