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  • valeo


  • Valeo lighting systems , china division , was founded in 1995 . it is invested by valeo and hubei auto lighting . valeo shared 75 % of the company
    法雷奥照明集团中国分部成立于1995年,由法雷奥集团与湖北车灯厂合资成立,其中法方股份为75 % 。
  • Changzhou company began to develop the auto generator finish forged claw pole , and through the cooperation with valeo group , we gradually went into the international market
  • 4th phase : from 2002 to today , our auto generator claw pole finish forged part has been successfully supplied to various international auto parts companies , and our major customers are as below : valeo group : french , shanghai , brazil , washer branches ; reny group shenzhen hubei usa mexico ect . prestolite group : usa and beijing branches ; bosch group : britain and chang sha branches
    第四阶段: 2002年至今,公司汽车发电机爪极精锻件已成功配套多家国际汽配零部件跨国公司,主要客户有:法雷奥集团:法国上海巴西波兰泰国韩国公司佩特莱集团:美国及北京公司博世集团:英国及长沙公司等。
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