不沉的 insubmergible; insubmersible; u inkable; unsinkable
In the gloom it was as if he ran against them without feeling their bodily frames . 在那一片沉沉的夜色中,他好象和他们碰撞,而却触不到他们有血有肉的形体。
With the radio on , grandma slept deeply in the chair 收音机开者,奶奶在椅子里沉沉的睡着。
@ the dark of night was swiftly fading @沉沉的夜色迅速消退
The dark of night was swiftly fading @沉沉的夜色迅速消退
Its long branches , so heavy with flowers , almost touched the ground 它长长的树枝长满了花朵,沉沉的垂着,几乎触到地面了。
Without , the storm frove so fast as to create a snow - mist in the kitchen 外面暴风雪吹得很急,以至在厨房中造成沉沉的雪雾。
We need to give hope , rather than grimly spreading gloom all the time 我们必须给人们希望,而不应经常让沉沉的暮气扩散开去。
They sink , at once , into stupid , heavy slumber , leaving you to your own mental devices 马上会进入愚蠢的,沉沉的睡眠状态,剩下你自己苦思冥想。
When the tea - table was done with , they all moved to one of the windows , and looked out into the heavy twilight 茶点结束之后大家又坐到一扇窗户面前去眺望沉沉的暮色。
Now when the sun was going down , a deep sleep fell upon abram ; and behold , terror and great darkness fell upon him 创15 : 12日头正落的时候、亚伯兰沉沉的睡了忽然有惊人的大黑暗落在他身上。