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  • volfgang
  • wolffgang
  • wolfgang krauser
  • wolfgang porsche


  • Under the guidance of wolfgang ruebsam , she obtained a master degree in music and a performance certificate with honours
  • She has “ wrecked our relations with poland ” , says wolfgang benz of the centre for the study of anti - semitism in berlin
    柏林排犹主义研究中心的沃尔夫冈*本兹指出,她已经"葬送了我们同波兰的关系" 。
  • It was produced by katharina wagner , the composer ' s 29 - year - old great - granddaughter , who wants to succeed her father , wolfgang wagner , as director of the annual bayreuth festival where wagner ' s mature work is performed
  • In connection with the college students ' features and the stuctures on english studies , it is of active significance to put forward that reception theory is applied to college english teaching
  • Typically , a chinese tour group will choose the cheapest hotel ? even if it is 50km ( 30 miles ) outside a city ? travel by bus and eat only chinese food , says wolfgang georg arlt , a professor of tourism at stralsund university in germany and author of a new book on china ' s outbound tourism
    德国斯特拉尔松大学教旅游学授沃尔夫冈?格尔克?阿尔特出版了一本关于中国人出境旅游的新书,他说,中国旅游团会选择最廉价的旅店,哪怕它在城外离旅游景点50公里( 30英里) ;他们坐公交车、只吃中餐;他们只去最为著名的景点,然而即使在这些地方,他们往往也只是走马观花。


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