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  • steam turbine performance


  • Rules for power plant steam turbine thermal acceptance tests
  • In this paper , based on the basic theory of steam turbine thermal performance test , the universal calculation software was built
  • The follow works were completed in this paper : 1 ) the configuration software for steam turbine thermal performance test was completed
    在ansi / asmeptc6汽轮机性能试验规程的基础上完成了如下主要工作: 1 )建立了汽轮机热力性能试验计算组态软件。
  • Based on the iapws - if97 equations , a new calculation program of the character of water and steam was complete for the steam turbine thermal performance test
    2 )基于iapws - if97水蒸汽性质的计算标准完成了适用于目前各种汽轮机热力性能计算需要的水蒸汽性质计算模块。
  • 5 ) the results of the test , especially the applications in the steam performance tests of two power plant units , show that the steam turbine thermal performance test software is correct and usable
  • This article discusses the design and exploitation of software system of thermal performance test of steam turbine by computer processing system based on the graph configuration of the asme ptc6 thermal system , and the compile of software of steam turbine thermal system is completed
  • Steam turbine thermal performance test is one of the most important parts to evaluate the economic performance of a power plant unit . since the structures of the steam turbine is complex and variational , the procedure of steam turbine thermal performance test is also much complex . steam turbine thermal performance test consists of data collection and performance calculation , and the two procedures must be dealt with under a standard rule
    汽轮机热力性能试验主要包括两个过程,数据采集和性能计算,为了得到真实可靠的分析结果,这两方面的工作必须根据试验规程进行, ansi / asmeptc6汽轮机性能试验规程是目前国际上最高精度等级的热耗率试验规程,在我国被广泛用在新投产的大型汽轮机机组或老机组改造的经济性能评价之中。
汽轮机热力性能的英文翻译,汽轮机热力性能英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译汽轮机热力性能,汽轮机热力性能的英文意思,汽輪機熱力性能的英文汽轮机热力性能 meaning in English汽輪機熱力性能的英文汽轮机热力性能怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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