Time can break your heart , have you begging please , begging please 时间伤了你的心,让你不停求乞,不停求乞。
I have not come as a beggar 我不是来求乞的。
Ah , what a kingly jest was it to open thy palm to a beggar to beg 呵,这开的是什么样的帝王的玩笑,向一个乞丐伸手求乞!
Fool , try to carry thyself upon thy own shoulders ! o beggar , to come beg at thy own door 啊,傻子,想把自己背地肩上!啊,乞人,来到你自己门口求乞!
The plea was that of a gaunt - faced man of about thirty , who looked the picture of privation and wretchedness 求乞的是一个左右的男人,脸色消瘦憔悴,一副穷困凄惨的模样。
In the old society her parents were deprived of every means of livelihood and finally came down to begging 在旧社会里,她的父母被剥夺了一切生活资料,最后只得靠求乞度日。
It was after a long series of appeals to pedestrians , in which he had been refused and refused - every one hastening from contact 这是在他无数次地向行人求乞,一再遭到拒绝之后-人人都匆匆避开他。
On the way , we met two homeless people who were begging from passersby . when we handed them the packages , they were so surprised ! they just looked at us , and even though they could not say a single word , their eyes sparkled with gratitude 路上,看到两个无家可归者正在向行人求乞,我们把礼品袋交给他们时,他们惊喜地说不出话来,只是怔怔地看着我们,目光中闪烁着感激之情。