相爱 be in love; fall in love with; mutual love; mutuallove
永远 always; forever; ever; in perpetuity; for good (and all) 永远消灭战争 the permanent elimination of war; 永远离开 go away forever; 永远不要忘记这个教训。 never forget this lesson. 胜利永远属于人民。 victory always belongs to the people. 约翰从学校毕业时, 决定永远不再和学习打交道了。 when john graduated from school, he decided that he was done with study for good and all
They knew that their love was to be eternal ... 他们深信彼此将永远相爱。
Lets stick a pin in our love and stay together till deathpartsus 让我们发誓,永远相爱,至死不渝。
Swearing to love forever *发誓永远相爱*
May engagement days be wonderful and throughout the future , may you always stay as much in love as you are today 订婚的良辰美景令人难忘,在未来的岁月里,愿你们像今天一样,永远相爱。
Tianyahaijiao is the most popular place in hainan , since it has certain meaning for the lovers in china : going to that place means they will love each other forever 天涯海角是海南最著名的景点,因为对于恋人而言,到了天涯海角就意味着可以幸福的永远相爱。
To have and to hold from this day forward , for better or for worse , fo rricher or for poorer , in sickness and in health , to love and to cherish , as long as we both shall live 从今天开始互相拥有互相扶持,无论顺境或逆境、富裕或贫穷、疾病或健康,永远相爱珍惜,直到生命终结